

Hanita Ilan, born in 1978, lives in Jerusalem and works  in The Artist’s Studio, Jerusalem.
Hanita Ilan works mainly in painting  while stretching and challenging the limits of the medium. Through means such as abstraction, fragmentation, subtraction and deletion she confronts the material with the image and the surface within its frame to create works in which the abstract and the figurative remain in constant tension.
Hanita Ilan graduated from Bezalel Art Academy in 2010, and from the Bezalel MFA program in 2014. Her works have been displayed on solo shows at the Ramat Hasharon Art Gallery for contemporary and at ‘Dane Gallery For Art’ in kibbutz Yad Mordechai.  At the Artist's Studios Kalisher, Tel Aviv, the Idris Project in Tel Aviv as dual Shows. She has exhibited in group exhibitions such as the Negev Museum of Art, the Fresh Paint Art Fair, the Cube Gallery in Jerusalem and more. 

Ilan has received the Visual Art Incentive Award of the Ministry of Culture and Sport for 2022 and 
‘The Independent Creators fund’ of the Ministry of Culture and Sport for 2019 and 2022. ‘The Tel Aviv Special Projects Found joint with the Rabinowitz Fund’ for 2017, the Ministry Of Culture and Sport for ‘Artist- teacher’ grant throughout the years 2012-2015. She has received an Excellence  grant in 2009 and 2010 by the  Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem and  the T.A excellence grant in 2013 by the Bezalel MFA program. 
Her works can be found in collections both in Israel and abroad.